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Advertising Testing & Tracking

Test & Track the effectiveness of advertising across any channel, platform, or format.

How do you create winning advertising?

The 3Cs are the building blocks of advertising success and are key to unlocking profitable growth.
The 3Cs Framework


Just Eat used a famous celebrity (Snoop Dogg), entertaining storyline, and catchy rap rendition to entrance viewers.
Just Eat case study

Emotion and storytelling are central to great advertising – taking people through twists and turns and making them laugh or cry. Character-development, human truths, and music are effective ways of generating engagement.


Redeploy the brand’s distinctive assets in fresh and topical ways over time (e.g. characters, storylines, slogans, jingles). Use the brand to drive the narrative – feature it during peak emotional moments and present it as the solution to the problem.

Furphy told a story about a “furphy” (furphy = colloquialism for “tall-tale”) – a clever way of ensuring memorability.
Furphy case study


Focus on conveying only one key message, impression, or idea. The more you try to communicate, the more take-out of everything will be diluted (and lead to confusion). Show how product benefits ladder-up to emotional rewards.

Yorkshire Tea poked fun at brands pandering to social purpose — a playful story which built affinity for the brand
Yorkshire Tea case study

Learn more

Test & Track ads: Any channel, platform, format

Ad Testing - TV Advertising
Video - Ad
Ad Testing - Digital Display
Digital Display
Ad Testing - Outdoor Advertising OOH
Ad Testing - Print
Ad Testing - Radio
Ad Testing - Campaign

Test & Track ads: Any creative development stage

Ad Testing - Pre-testing early stage addvertising


Which ideas, concepts or territories have the most potential?

Ad Testing - Early edits


How can early cuts be optimized prior to final editing?

Ad Testing - Pre-media


Is the ad strong enough to run? How should we plan our media?

Ad Testing - Post campaign performance


Can the ad be run again? How does it perform in other markets?

Ad Testing - In-market ad tracking


Is the ad getting noticed? Is creative efficiency declining over time?

Read our guide to early-stage creative testing

Select the depth of insight you require

We offer 3 tiers to choose from; each builds incrementally.
Advertising Testing metrics - Performance SummaryAdvertising Testing metrics - Attraction DiagnosisAdvertising Testing metrics - Branding DiagnosisAdvertising Testing metrics - Impressions (prompted)Advertising Testing metrics - AttributionAdvertising Testing metrics - Media DiagnosisAdvertising Testing metrics - Custom Open-Ended Question

⭐️ Branded Memorability
Will the ad enter people’s mental headspace and encode branded memories? This is a composite metric made up of Captivate and Connect.

👀 Captivate
Does it disrupt the status quo and induce an emotional response? This is a composite metric made up of Magnetism and Likeability.

🔒 Connect
Is it easily recognizable for the brand and synergistic with existing mental structures? This is a composite metric made up of Attribution and Fit.

🧠 Compel
Does it convey ideas that tap into people’s ‘jobs to be done’? This is a composite metric made up of Persuasion and Difference.
Does the ad stand out and get people’s attention? Metrics:
  • Unique/Distinctive
  • Annoying/Irritating
  • Nice/Pleasant
  • Dull/Boring
Connect (Branding)
Will advertising memories be connected to the brand? Metrics:
  • Attribution: Transference of associations and feelings unique to the brand.
  • Fit: Alignment with people’s expectations of the brand.
Does the ad convey the desired impressions about the brand? Metrics:
  • 5x tailored statements
Branding Balance
Does brand attribution skew in favor of the masterbrand or variant?
Media (in-market)
  • Awareness: Have people seen/heard the ad recently?
  • Frequency: How many times have people seen/heard the ad recently?
  • Wearout: Are people getting tired of seeing/hearing the ad?
Custom open-ended question*
Diagnosis of an area of interest not otherwise covered by the core metrics.
*Additional cost
Advertising Testing metrics - Rational DiagnosisAdvertising Testing metrics - Associations

Diagnose includes all Evaluate metrics, plus:

How persuasive is the information conveyed about the brand? Metrics:
  • New
  • Different
  • Believable
  • Relevant
  • Clarity
Likes (open-ended)
What aspects are people most positive toward?
Dislikes (open-ended)
What aspects are people most negative toward?
Associations (open-ended)
What 3 words would people use to describe the brand?
Advertising Testing metrics - Emotion diagnosisAdvertising Testing metrics - Impressions (spontaneous)Advertising Testing metrics - StandoutAdvertising Testing metrics - AssetsAdvertising Testing metrics - Playback

Optimize includes all Evaluate & Diagnose metrics, plus:

What emotions does the ad leave people feeling? Metrics:
  • Diagnosis of both positive and negative emotions (20 in total) across a high to low arousal continuum.
Impressions (open-ended)
What impressions are people left with about the brand?
Standout (open-ended)
What elements stuck in people’s minds the most?
Note: Only asked for non-video stimulus.
Assets (open-ended)
What distinctive branding properties did people recognize?
Playback (open-ended)
What did people recall seeing/hearing, and how was it all interpreted as fitting together?
Note: Only asked for video stimulus.
Can I see an example report?
Get in touch and we'll share a real-life case study so you can see the exact deliverables you’d receive.

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